Revelation is the hardest book in the New Testament. With all the numbers, symbols, and images, it’s intimidating (and even scary!) to the average reader. On top of that, there’s plenty of unhelpful material out there. This video gives a quick intro to 3 books on Revelation that are accessible and rewarding. Read these and you’ll be well on your way to understanding Revelation.
Revelation for Everyone by N.T. Wright
Reading Revelation Responsibly by Michael J. Gorman
Revelation by Robert Mulholland
Also, here’s a short essay of mine called “How to Read Revelation in Church.”
Do you have a favorite book on Revelation? Leave a comment and tell us what it is.
Dr. Matt O’Reilly is pastor of Hope Hull United Methodist Church near Montgomery, AL, a fellow of the Center for Pastor Theologians, and Adjunct Professor of New Testament and Pastoral Ministry at Wesley Biblical Seminary. Hear him on the So What? Podcast, connect on Facebook, or follow @mporeilly.