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What the Bible Says about the Afterlife
I’ve been a pastor for twenty years. If there’s one thing people have questions about, it’s the afterlife. If there’s one thing people...

Matt O'Reilly
3 min read
Would #PopeFrancis welcome Protestants to the Eucharist?
Pope Francis has developed a reputation for his fresh take on some long-standing Roman Catholic traditions. The debate between Ross...

Matt O'Reilly
1 min read
New Podcast: Body of Christ, Bread of Life @StMarkMobile #UMC

Matt O'Reilly
2 min read
Christmas and Communion (or Incarnation and Eucharist)
My Advent series of sermons this year focuses on the significance of the Eucharist. In preparing for this series, I’ve spent some time...

Matt O'Reilly
2 min read
Eucharist and Presence: Embracing Mystery, Finding Joy
I used to spend time wrestling with the different formulations proposed through Church history for how we should understand the nature of...

Matt O'Reilly
1 min read
3 Ways Christ is Present in the Eucharist (@KreeftQuotes)
How is Christ present in the sacrament of Holy Communion? Here’s Peter Kreeft in his book Catholic Christianity (paper, Kindle), which is...
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